Quercus monimotricha - Fagaceae

A very rare and special plant in cultivation. Small bushes of rounded habit with tough, spikey leaves that are evergreen. Considered tender in the UK.


EN: -, D: -, FR: -, ESP: -, ZH: -

Rare plant, slow-growing, small shrub, dense evergreen foliage, small elliptic or obovate leathery leaves on short stalks, edged with spiny teeth, rough above and downy beneath, flowering early summer, acorns ripen the second year although at least one other shrub nearby is needed for pollination.

Introduced to cultivation by Roy Lancaster from above Lijiang, Yunnan, China in 1986.

Height: 1.5m (5ft)

No maintenance needed. No pruning required.

Leaves are very tough and have spikes along the margin.

Leaves are very tough and have spikes along the margin.

Seeds take two years to ripen. Will come true from seeds. During their second year the acorns should be collected when still green and the cap is just coming off (around summer time). Sow straight into a light and gritty medium, keep moist and leave in partial shade outdoors. Seedlings should have emerged by autumn and will need good frost protection as young plants are more tender than established older specimen. All Quercus seedlings benefit from deep pots to give them ample space for their taproot.

Meaning of plant name:


Origin: South West China, Yunnan and N Myanmar

Growing conditions:
grows very well on humus rich, sandy soils, other soils tolerated as long as well drained, does not like heavy clay or waterlogged soils, full sun prefered, will also grow in partial shade

Hardiness: H3 - Hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1°C)

Pests and Diseases: generally no problems

Other useful information:

Inflorescence on Quercus monimotricha.

Quercus monimotricha foliage

Fruit ripen in their second year. Will come true from seeds.

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